Saturday, September 8, 2007

Umbilical Hernia Recovery Constipation


show from The devil probably Robert Bresson. First Festival, Theatre National de Strasbourg. June 2005

William Vincent, from the first class section staging of TNS, showed that ... I believe in the First Festival in Strasbourg. By attending this work in progress, there is a feeling that William Vincent is in line with the director of La Nouvelle Vague. Impossible to separate the text of the writing stage. It is brilliant, with a highly personal aesthetic, between the cinema (this was the first training of William Vincent) and painting. Again there yardstick scenic idea that immediately arises: a screen on which are projected video images which are part words, brief comments, dates often significant political life in France, April 21, 2002 to May 29, 2005. Behind the screen, the actors appear to us as characters in a table. In this show accents pamphleteers, William Vincent speaks of him, of his generation with his doubts, his worries, his malady being. Indeed, the earliest date that appears on the screen is the date of birth: 1977.

Chantal Boiron - UBU (Review European Theatre)


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