Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Clothes Does Jason Voorhees Wear



Since you're reading, you realize that you have the word "difference" has a very high important to me!
is a word that made me suffer a lot especially during my childhood. I have always paid dearly for not being like everyone else. Children are cruel and adults more ...

reread my blog and you'll see that I have made extraordinary encounters that changed my life. I learned that the difference is a strength, wealth. It
therein lies a treasure trove.
Fortunately we are not all equal: There are small and big, strong and weak, young and old, etc.

A life where everything is identical, it would be hell. Can you imagine a world in which there is only one color, scent, taste?
Do not just savor what you know. Devours life to the fullest, scans all your prejudices. Accept your neighbor and especially you as it is.

Do not be ashamed of yourself or your neighbor if you think it is somewhat or completely cracked. This is not a flaw but a jewel that life has bestowed


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